Monday, June 11, 2012

The Arguement

I just fought with my mom. The mom whose mother has an eating disorder. The mom who divorced my dad two years ago. The mom who drove me to skating lessons for years. The mom who shared her poor financial habits with me. The mom who doesn't understand why I can't lose weight. The mom who has reminded me constantly over the years that I am overweight.

She told me I didn't need another yoghurt stick. I knew I didn't need one, but I was bored and wanted one. She said, for the second time in 24 hours, that I was horrible for not committing to losing weight, and that I really didn't want to. That hurt. I do want to. I want to so badly. But something is stopping me. I don't know what it is, if I did I would have told her when she asked. She told me yoga isn't a real sport. Is that because she doesn't do it? Is it because she thinks she's better than me? I told her it seems like she feels better than me, like she beat me at getting in shape. All I want is positive encouragement, is that so much to ask?

I know she means well. She has always meant well. But she seriously sucks at any kind of emotional encouragement. I think it's because of her mom being so mean. She is so mean to her. She always says mean things. And probably my dad too, he wasn't very nice to her. He has a really bad temper. She was always defending my sister and I, making sure we got the best. But as much as she tried, it only damaged us. I am afraid of men. I don't understand what a normal relationship is like. I have no idea what you do when you like someone, or what normal people do when they're dating. I have never seen this. I was so afraid to misstep growing up that I never learned. I was immature with no confidence. I did things to please people, to please my parents. Because then my mom could tell people what I had done. My dad could understand what I was doing, since he never showed up. Now that I'm a grown up, I'm lost.

So we fought until her boyfriend came home. It wasn't very long, and at the end I really just wanted to go exercise, but here I am in my room because that would mean giving into her. And I can't let her win.

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